“Serge from Kiev. As the grandson of Lifar’s peasant became a god of dance in Paris and refused to become a request to become the chief ballet master of the USSR on March 20, 18:31 NV Premium to share: Photo of Serge Lifar, 1920 (photo: fonding serge Lifar) The Balletmaster of the XX Century Lifar Sergea is 120 years old today. The man who was rushing the whole world was unable to bring to life”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Photography Serge Lifar, 1920s (Photo: Fondation Serge Lifar)
The most famous Ukrainian ballet master of the XX century, Serge Lifar is 120 years old today. The man who was rushing the whole world could not realize his most cherished dream – at least once to perform on the stage of the Opera House in his native Kiev.
Sergey Lifer emigrated at 18 years with the revolutionary events of Ukraine, became a serge and lived with a passport all his life Nansen. When his influential fan, President of France Charles de Gal, suggested to take French citizenship for his services to the country, Lifar refused:
“I am grateful, Mr. President, for your proposal. But I have never been and will not be a Frenchman, because I am a Ukrainian and my homeland – Ukraine. “