“Dmitry Ovsyannnikov, who headed the Russian administration of Sevastopol until 2019, arrived in the United Kingdom on February 1, 2023 and settled in his brother’s house in Klephem, where his wife and two children lived already lived”, – WRITE: www.radiosvoboda.org
Ovsyannikov is accused of receiving £ 76,000 from the wife of Kateryna Ovsyannikov, as well as a new Mercedes-Benz SUV from Brother Alexei. Both also appear in this case. In the aggregate, they were charged 10 accusations of violation of the sanctions regime and two of money laundering. They reject the accusations.
The European Union imposed financial sanctions against Ovsyannikov because it “called for Sevastopol to become the southern capital of the Russian Federation.” In 2024, Ovsyannikov achieved the abolition of these sanctions. However, the sanctions imposed by the United Kingdom, after leaving the EU, continued to operate. Their detour is considered a criminal offense in the country.
Dmitry Ovsyannikov has a British passport because his father was born in the United Kingdom. He received British citizenship in 2023.
Ovsyannikov, who headed the Russian administration of Sevastopol until 2019, arrived in the United Kingdom on February 1, 2023 and settled in his brother’s house in Klephem, where his wife and two children already lived. The account of Ovsyannikov, to which his wife transferred 76 thousand pounds to buy a car, was frozen when it turned out that the former official was on a list of sanctions. After that, Ovsyannikov took a deposit from the dealership center for a car that his brother Alexei bought him instead. The prosecution party believes that sanctions against Ovsyannikov were violated.
Dmitry Ovsyannikov was arrested and interrogated in January 2024. He was later released on bail.
Ovsyannikov after completion of his activities in Sevastopol was the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade in Russia. In 2020 he was removed from office and released from the government.