“Black Certificate 2025. Who and how can it receive, what privileges it gives March 19, 08:35 to share: Black Certificate (photo: uhrc.org.ua) A black certificate is a document confirming the status of a family member of the dead or missing military who died (died) or disappeared during the passage. It gives the right to a number of social guarantees: spa treatment, discount on utilities and others”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Black Certificate (photo: uhrc.org.ua)
A black certificate is a document confirming the status of a family member of the dead or missing person who died (died) or disappeared during military service. It gives the right to a number of social guarantees: spa treatment, a discount on utilities and other benefits.
Status of the family of the deceased: lawyers on the order of receipt and who is entitled in 2025
Who and how it can get it – explained a legal hundred.
When a black certificate is issued
If the death of a military is related to the service but happened:
▪ due to an accident not related to the performance of military duties;
▪ on vacation, during release or at the place of permanent residence (with the exception of injury during the rescue of people, order protection, etc.);
▪ for natural causes, such as congenital health or general disease.
It is important to know that death is considered related to military service, If the result of an accident under circumstances not related to the performance of military service duties.
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Who is entitled to a black certificate
▪ Parents of the dead military.
▪ Wife/husband (If you have not married a new marriage).
▪ Children under 18 years of age or adult children with disabilities since childhood.
Where to get a black certificate
For its registration, you must apply in an arbitrary form to:
▪ CCC and JV – for families of military personnel of the Armed Forces and the State Support Service.
▪ Authorized units of other structures – for families of military SBU, intelligence, State Secretariat, State Border Service and NSU.
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What documents are required
▪ extract or copy of the order to exclude the military from the lists of personnel.
▪ a death certificate or court decision to recognize a person is missing.
▪ a document confirming the causes and circumstances of death.
▪ Conclusion of the Military Medical Commission (except in cases of disappearance).
The certificate is issued Within 30 calendar days from the moment of submission of documents.
When the certificate is not issued
If death or disappearance occurred As a result of committing a criminal or administrative offenseactions in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, or deliberate injury.
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What benefits does the black certificate provide
▪ free spa treatment once a year (under certain conditions).
▪ Extraordinary improvement of living conditions.
▪ 50% discounts for housing and utilities (at a corresponding level of income).
▪ Free travel for the parents of the dead military in urban and suburban transport.
▪ Extraordinary enrollment of children of the dead military in kindergartens.
We will remind, participants of hostilities are entitled to benefits for payment of utilities and the purchase of household fuel. The discount is 75%. The application for privileges and other members of his family also have the right to apply for privileges.