“Recovery and rehabilitation in the final stage. I wait for permission from doctors. In the near future, I hope I will go back to the general group and train fully, ”the forward said concisely.
The Assinotor also shared his opinion on the coaching rotation in the location of “Purlet”, saying that Grigorchuk and Karrasko had different philosophy.
“It is difficult for me to compare them, because I did not play under the guidance of Grigorchuk. Both mentors are cool specialists. They have different coaching visions, but also Grigorchuk, and Carrasko get along well with the team, ”Mark added.
This season, the Assinor spent only three official LNZ matches, scoring one goal (at the goal of the left shore). Already on Sunday, March 16, LNZ will play a home match against Kolos. The starting whistle sounds at 3:30 pm Kyiv time.

Source: Sport.ua