“In Chernihiv, hostile UAVs damaged a five -storey building and two private homes. Source: Head of Chernihiv City Military Administration Dmitry Bryzhinsky in Telegram, Ova Chairman Vyacheslav Chaus Details: at 22:18 Bryzhinsky reported on a drunk building.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Head of Chernihiv City Military Administration Dmitry Bryzhynsky on Telegram, Ova Chairman Vyacheslav Chaus
Details: At 22:18 Bryzhynsky reported about a five -storey building. A fire was recorded at the scene of the explosion.
He later said that Shahanedov’s hit was recorded in two areas of the city.
Direct language: “Shahamed” hit a five -storey building, the other damaged two private homes. ”
Details: The head of Ova Vyacheslav Chaus reported that as a result of the drone of the drone, 2 upper floors of the five -storey building were destroyed, and terrorists also hit the private sector.