“The mother of the prominent Ukrainian pilot Andrei Polshchikov on Jus’ call sign Lilia Averyanova thanked the United States for the support of Ukraine in her just struggle for life, sovereignty and independence.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Averyanova on Facebook
Details: Thus, the mother of the deceased pilot, who became a powerful promoter of giving Ukraine F-16 fighters to effectively counteract Russia’s aggression in a full-scale war against Ukraine, joined the flashmob, which was started by Ukrainian pilots.
Videoing, also widespread by air forces on the social network X, recorded in English.
Direct language: “The sky of Ukraine under reliable protection! We thank the people of the United States for the support of Ukraine in its fair struggle for life, sovereignty and independence. We thank the State Department of the United States, Congress and the Senate for the launch of the F-16 program, for providing airfilling and pity defense.
Our soldiers courageously protect our country from cruel invaders. Ukraine seeks peace. But peace must be protected. Great thanks to our allies, our arms brothers! Be with Ukraine, on the true side of history! ”.
Read also: Alternation in weeds, unwanted publicity and Lego ghost. The story of Andrei Pilshchikov (“Jusa”) through his mother’s eyes
Reference: In 2024, the pilots Andriy Pilchynikov and Alexei Mesh were included in the rating of the UP 100 (posthumously) for their invaluable contribution to the granting of F-16 fighters.
They became known all the world after a week in the American media space. Then they urged Ukraine to provide the F-16 in the United States, held dozens of meetings with the American establishment: senators, congressmen, military.