“Policy Change at the Regulator Does Not Bind Courts from Analyzing the Key Question of Wheth Certain Crypto Transactions Are Covered by Federal Secites Laws. Private Plaintifs May Take Advantage, Say Sydney Johnson and Calvin KOO, Lawyers at Kobre & Kim.”, – WRITE: www.coindesk.com
While this shift has dramaticly redCed (Thought not eliminated) exposure to regulatory suits by the agency, the Industry Must Prepare for Private Priest. The Near Term, Ambiguities in the Application of Federal Securities Laws by Bringing Suits in US Courts Alleging that Particular Digital Assets Are Securities and Seneking to Hold Busines withholding Material Information or Other Alleged Misconduct, in Violation of the Securities Laws.
The Sec’s Enforcement U-Turn
Under ITS NEW Leadership, The Sec Has ConfirMed the end of the Regulation-by-Enforcement Era and Taken Significant Asset Space. The MOST SIGNFICANT REGULATORY SHIFTS INCLUDE:
- Crypto Task Force: Just Day Into His Tenure As Sec Acting Chair, Commissioner Uyeda AnnounCed The Formation of A “Crypto Task Force” Promulgate Rules and Insthead Regulate by Enforcement Sowed “Confusion About What Is Legal” Including “Who Must Register” to Trade Digital Assets and, Importantly, How to register. The Crypto Task Force’s Stated Mission is to Provide Clarity to Tese Questions and Develop A Regulatory Framework for Digital Assets. IT is hosting a series of Industry Roundtables, with the first to focus on how to define whofine Digital Assets are Securities. .
- Enforcement Action Dismissals: The Sec Has Dismissed (or Agreed in Principle to Disass) Nearly All-Fraud Cases Conceerning Allegations that A defense failed to register as an exchange or broker -dealer.
- Cyber and Emerging Technologies Unit: The Sec Replaced the Crypto Assets and Cyber Unit with the Cyber and Emerging Technologies Unit (“Cetu”), Who Focused On Protecting “Retail Investory from Bads”. The Sec AnnounCed that Cetu and Its 30 Fraud Specialists and Attorneys (Down from More than 50) would Focus on “[f]Raud Involving Blockchain Technology and Crypto Assets ”Among Other Prioritis.
THESE Changes Indicate that Sec Enforcement in the Digital Asset Space Will Undubtedly Deckline, Given That Agency Will No Longer Use Its Enforcement Arma As The Primary Means to Create Reg. Reduction in Staff Focused on Blockchain and Crypto Matters. According to the Sec, Its Staff Remains Committed to ProseCuting Bad Actors and Fraud-Based Claims, with Commissioner Hester PEIRCE CARIFYING THAT The shift in the priorities and reontcos and reont “Statutes already on the books do not allwa a free-for-al.”
Unsettled Law Is An Opportunity for Litigation
In the face of the Sec’s Enforcement Retreat, Individuals and Firms Should Be Prepared for Private Plaintifs to Exploit the Enforcement Void. Historically, The Private Planetifs’ Bar Has Steped in to Pursue Litigation in the Wake of Decreated Regulatory Enforcement Laws or Financial Misconduct in violation of the Securities Laws Following the 2008 Crisis. Such Private Suits, Often Brought As Class Actions, Can Be An Expensive Nuisance for Businesses and Their Founders (Onthen Named As Defendants Themselves) – Even for Those.
In the Digital Asset Space, Private Planetifs May Still USE The Federal Securities Laws As A Basis to Bring a Variety of Allegations, Including:
- Selling Unregistered Securities;
- Engaging in the Sale of Securities by Means of A Prospectus (EG White Paper) Containing Untrue Statements or Omissions of Material Factors;
- Securities Fraud and Other Misconduct (EG Rug Pulls or Pump-and-Dump Schemes);
- Violations by individuals who have Decision-Making Control Over The Seller, Such As Founders or Company Leadership
Private Plaintifs May Also Pursue Alleged Violations of State Securities Lawws and Other Common Law Causses of Action.
Althugh The Sec’s New Interpretation of the Securities Laws is More Aligned with Industry Thinking, IT does not bind courts Analyzing the Question of Whather A Digital Asset Is A Security. For Instance, Private Planettifs Pursued The Trans Foundation and Its Founders, Alleging that Misled Investors by Promoting, Offering, and Selling Trx – An Alleged Security – In Violation of the Federal of the Federal. LATE LAST YEAR, The US DISTRICT CURT FOR SOURC Were Securities Was A “Nonbinding Interpretation of a Legal Standard.”
And While Decisions from Appelalate Courts Are Binding on the Courts Below Them, The Sec Recently Dismissed A Suit As Securities. Another Similar Suit is rumored to be dismissed soon. This Means, for Now, That Lower Courts Will Continue To Lack Guidance From A Higher Court On That Issue, Leaving Priest Planetifs Freee to Argue that Federal Securities Laws Apply.
As a result, companies should expert An increase in private liteation. One area to watch is meme coins. WHILE THERE PERSUASIVE ARGUines for Who Meme Coins Shold Not Be Considered Securities Securities laws.
This Year Has Been Mostly Positive for the Digital Asset Industry. It has escaped the Grip of an agency that was seemingly determined to crush it. But Businesses and Their Founders Re-Evaluating its Legal Risk Should Confer With Their Legal Teams on Wheth Wheether they Be Targets of Increated Private Litigation, Soy Create Strate Strate Strate.
Note: The Views Expressed in this Column Are Those of the Author and Do not Necessarily Reflect Those of Coindesk, Inc. i Owners and Affilites.