“Ancestors almost half of the world. Scientists have found out amazing details about the ancient people who lived in the territory of Ukraine on March 10, 11:35 to share: engravings On the territory of modern”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Engravings of representatives of pit culture (photo: Vladimir Slavchev; Dylene Delov; Kalin Dimitrov)
The latest DNA studies have enabled scientists to reach a sensational conclusion: 40% of people who live now are descendants of pit culture that existed in modern Ukraine about 5000 years ago.
This discovery has dramatically changed the idea of the origin of the peoples of Europe and Western Asia, as well as the spread of Indo -European languages.
A group of scientists, led by David Reich from Harvard Medical School, analyzed the DNA of the remains of more than 450 prehistoric people from 100 different places in Europe. Combining genetic, archaeological and linguistic data, researchers have come to the conclusion that Yamna culture It originated in the steppes north of the Black Sea. Mixed with the local population, these nomadic pastorals began expansion, spreading their genes, culture and language from Portugal to Mongolia.
Researchers have identified the Ukrainian village of Mikhailivka, which is now under Russian occupation, as a genetic cradle of pit culture. These ancient riders were the first to use wheel carts and domesticated horses, which gave them an advantage in moving and wars. Their expansion had a huge impact on the population of Europe, which is confirmed by DNA analysis. In a number of regions with their advent, the indigenous male DNA disappears, and the female is traced in the following generations.
Genetic findings confirm the early linguistic theories about the origin of Indo -European languages. It is assumed that the ancient language of the yamnik has become a ancestor for more than 400 modern languages, including Latin, Greek, English and Russian. The spread of pit culture also explains the disappearance of a number of ancient civilizations, such as Stonehenge builders in Britain, which almost completely disappeared shortly after the offspring of the steppe nomads arrived.
An important factor in the success of the pit culture was the patriarchal social system, where the inheritance was carried out along the line of firstborn, and the younger sons went to conquest. Their physical advantage also played a role: studies show that on average they were higher than other groups, which could be associated with a rich diet that contained meat and dairy products.
Another amazing discovery was the detection of traces of bacteria Yersinia Pestis, which causes plague, in the remains of a pit culture. This may mean that they had immunity to a disease that later devastated entire peoples, or they inadvertently used it as “Biological weapons. “
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