“On the night of March 7, Russia carried out a massive rocket and zero firing of Ukraine’s energy and gas infrastructure. Objects in different regions of the country have been shot. Source: Energy Minister of Ukraine Herman Galushchenko Details: According to the Minister, the attack is aimed at destroying energy capacity in different regions of the country.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Galushchenko
Details: According to the minister, the attack is aimed at destroying energy capacity in different regions of the country. The shelling was damaged by electricity and gas supply facilities.
Direct Language: “Again, under massive rocket-a-mire, energy and gas infrastructure in different regions of Ukraine.
Where possible, rescuers and energy work to eliminate the consequences. All necessary measures are taken to stabilize energy and gas supply. ”
Details: The minister urged the Ukrainians to remain in shelters because of the threat of repeated attacks and to monitor official reports on the situation in the power system.