“Thomas Friedman is an American journalist, three times the laureate of the Pulitzer Prize in this story. That hides Trump, talking about Ukraine on March 5, 15:23: If President Trump did not talk about Ukraine, in his words, always feels something wrong, something miss”, – Write On: ua.news
If President Trump did not talk about Ukraine, in his words always felt something wrong, something missing that makes you think about what he really thought
And his brief remarks about Ukraine at a joint meeting of Congress on Tuesday night were no exception.
He exaggerated how the huge contribution of the United States made to Ukraine’s military efforts compared to what our European allies provided. Speaking of human victims of war, he initially mourned “Russian young people “and then” Ukrainian young people “, as if at the first and the latter fell meteorite, and on some earlier than others. He also stated that he received “Strong signals ”from Vladimir Putin that he wants peace, while Trump did not inform any details.
If I have learned something in journalism, it is that when you do not call things their real name, there is usually a reason – you hide something, some motivation, some idea.
How to explain this in the case of Trump?
Well, or he is the most concerned Western parliamentary with the enemies of freedom from the time of Neville Chamberlain, who makes concessions to the aggressor before the negotiations, or he really prefers Putin’s friendship over our European allies and courageous Ukrainian democrats.
Trump’s administration is now behaving so much that is concerned about many
Because right now the Trump administration behaves in such a way that it is concerned about many patriotic Americans. He embarks on a knife in a nation that is fighting for freedom – Ukraine, blocking her vital supply of American weapons and trying to demand minerals in it, even before Russia agreed to the ceasefire.
Imagine that Trump is trying to sell the Trump Tower of the Russian – let’s call him Vladimir – and Trump brought his banker with him. Whatever Trump would think if before the negotiations, his banker stated: “Donalde, you have no cards, we have just blocked you with a credit line, and before we let you start negotiations on the sale of this building, you have to take a second mortgage and give me all the money.”
This is how Trump did with Vladimir Zelensky. Something in this story is not true.
I do not know what everything will end, but it seems that it all begins: when it comes to protecting freedom, President Trump does not share the values of the best of his 44 predecessors. And if so, the Ukrainians, after all, will never buy what Trump sells. Our European allies will not buy it.
Only Putin can, but as Trump said in his speech to make peace, “you need to talk to both sides.” He was referring to Putin, but in fact Trump should start with American allies. They do not understand it. And Putin understands.
Translated by NV
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