“There are three wounded in Odessa: the consequences of the rocket stroke in the center were the result of a hostile rocket strike in the center of Odessa, three people were injured, among them the guy born in 2006. Historical monuments, museums and Philharmonic have been damaged – windows and damaged facades were damaged.”, – WRITE ON: Unn.ua
On Friday, at 22:11, the head of the Odessa Regional Military Administration, Oleg Kiper, reported in his Telegram-channel about a new number of victims as a result of a hostile attack on the city.
It is already known about three victims as a result of a hostile rocket strike in the center of Odessa. The head of the head was born in 2006. It is also packed
He added that as a result of explosions in the premises of a number of historical monuments, including literary, historical, local lore, archeological museums and Museum of Western and Oriental Art, as well as in the Philharmonic, there are knocked out windows and damage to the facades.
All relevant services continue to work on eliminating the consequences.
As a result of the Russian attack on the historical center of Odessa, two people were injured, they were delivered to hospitals. The building in the UNESCO and Bristol Hotel was damaged.
How was Bristol’s hotel injured while hitting Odessa: Photo appeared31.01.25, 20:55 • 15326 Views