“In one of the states of America, they were offered to be fined for masturbation on January 28, 15:29 to share: Banana in the form of a phallus (photo: Shutterbug75/Pixabay) Senator of Mississippi state suggested that men masturbate or have other sexual acts. ”. Democrat Bradford Blackmon has introduced a bill that forbid men to masturbate or engage in other sexual actions if they do not plan to conceive a child, reported”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Banana in the form of a phallus (photo: Shutterbug75/Pixabay)
The Mississippi Senator suggested that the law prohibit men to masturbate or do other sexual actions if they do not intend to “fertilize the embryo”.
Democrat Bradford Blackmon has submitted a bill that forbid men to masturbate or engage in other sexual actions if they do not plan to conceive a child, NBC News reported on January 23.
A bill named “The contraception law begins with an erection “, will make men illegal to” unload genetic material without intention to fertilize the embryo. ” It includes exceptions for semen donation and contraception to prevent fertilization.
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Blackmon offers fines: for the first offense of $ 1,000, 5000 for the second and 10,000, if the law is violated for the third time.
The bill is unlikely to pass the legislative body under the direction of the Republican Party, the media notes, but if so, it will come into force in July.
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