“The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, during hearings in a French court, promised to take all measures to improve the moderation of content on the social network.β, β write: epravda.com.ua
The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, during the hearing in the French court, promised to take all measures to improve the moderation of content on the social network. This is reported by franceinfo with reference to Durov’s testimony in court. A court in France suspects that Telegram may be complicit in criminal activity. However, during a hearing in December 2024, Durov insisted that users who commit illegal actions “harm the business and reputation of Telegram. Answering questions from judges about illegal content on Telegram pages, Pavlo Durov, accompanied by three of his lawyers, promised , that Telegram will seek to “improve its moderation procedures.” Advertisement: He claimed that every month the social network removes “from 15 to 20 million user accounts worldwide for violating the law”, and that Telegram is not the only social network that suffers from these problems, pointing the finger at its competitors. Pavel Durov even claimed that he cooperates with several associations that fight against the exploitation of children. The judges, however, drew attention to the fact that these initiatives appeared after the arrest of the multibillionaire to the police, I realized the seriousness of all these facts,” Telegram’s founder admitted. Advertisement: Read also: Telegram to Paris. What Pavel Durov was arrested for. We will remind: After the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, the social network changed the rules to allow moderation of private chats