“The head of the National Police, Ivan Vyhivskyi, said that law enforcement officers are working on the issue of legislative regulation regarding the control of all UAV flights in Ukraine, as drones can be used for killings without physical intervention.”, — write: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Ivan Vyhivskyi in an interview with “Ukrainian News”, National Police
Direct speech of Vyhivskyi: “Technology has advanced significantly, and if not long ago physical presence was required for murder, now drones can be used. We are one of those who are working on the issue of controlling all UAV flights, legislative regulation of this issue.”
Details: He noted that 1,050 murders were committed in Ukraine last year, of which only 9 were not solved. Also, 306 robberies were committed, 95% of which were solved, and 98% were robberies.
According to Vyhivskyi, robberies, robberies and hooliganism last year were much less than in previous years.
“This is the titanic work of a large number of policemen, those who work in patrols and those who we don’t notice on the street, who work as operatives and every day solve crimes on the “hot tracks”,” said the head of the National Police.