“The relevant video was published on its Telegram channel by the “Predator” Brigade of the Patrol Police of Ukraine. The released footage shows how the invader, who sat down…”, — write on: armyinform.com.ua
Read for: < 1 min. January 15, 2025, 9:42 p.m
The relevant video was published on its Telegram channel by the “Predator” Brigade of the Patrol Police of Ukraine.
The released footage shows how an FPV drone flies to the invader, who sat in a street toilet among the ruins of a settlement destroyed by the Soviet Union, destroying his improvised shelter.
“The occupier wanted to brainstorm his actions on the pot, but the FPV of predators interrupted this meeting,” Ukrainian defenders noted.
And although the Russian himself, unlike the toilet, unfortunately survived after the impact, however, thanks to the skill of the Ukrainian UAV operators, it most likely did not last long.
As ArmiyaInform reported, earlier the fighters of the 28th OMBr named after the Knights of the Winter Campaign showed how the “Vampire” UAV literally “splits the invaders into atoms.”