“The National Police is carrying out a special operation to block the channels of export of men of conscription age abroad. Currently, more than 600 simultaneous searches are being conducted in several regions of Ukraine. The National Police of Ukraine reported this in Telegram. “More than 600 simultaneous searches are being carried out by operatives of the Department of Strategic Investigations and investigators of the National Police. This is only the first stage of a special operation to block the channels of export of men of conscription age abroad,” –”, — write on: ua.news
The National Police is carrying out a special operation to block the channels of export of men of conscription age abroad. Currently, more than 600 simultaneous searches are being conducted in several regions of Ukraine.
The National Police of Ukraine reported this in Telegram.
“More than 600 simultaneous searches are conducted by operatives of the Department of Strategic Investigations and investigators of the National Police. This is only the first stage of a special operation to block the channels for the export of men of conscription age abroad,” the National Police said.
We are talking about organizers and members of groups that help men of draft age escape abroad by bypassing official checkpoints.
“According to the available data, the sections helped hundreds of conscripts cross these routes. Actions are ongoing in all regions of Ukraine,” the National Police added.
The details of the special operation are promised to be revealed after the investigation is completed.
Recently, in the west and south of Ukraine, the Security Service and the National Police eliminated new mobilization evasion schemes. As a result of comprehensive measures, 6 organizers of the riots were detained.
In addition, in Transcarpathia, the SBU eliminated another scheme for evasion of mobilization and illegal departure of men abroad.
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