“SBI employees detained the nominal owner of the PIN-UP online casino, which is actually owned by Russians. According to open data, it is about businessman Ihor Zotka. As the SBI reports, a petition is being prepared for the suspect to be remanded in custody. The investigation found out that the detainee did not have legal sources to contribute UAH 30 million to the authorized capital of the legal entity that received the license.”, — write on: ua.news
SBI employees detained the nominal owner of the PIN-UP online casino, which is actually owned by Russians. According to open data, it is about businessman Ihor Zotka.
As the SBI reports, a petition is being prepared for the suspect to be remanded in custody.
The investigation found out that the detainee did not have legal sources to contribute UAH 30 million to the authorized capital of the legal entity that received the license. It was also established that the detainee was in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus for a long time, where he spent time together with citizens of the Russian Federation – the real owners of online casinos.
The links of this online casino with representatives of the Russian Federation and Russian capital, as well as with entities subject to sanctions in Ukraine, have been documented.
Persons related to online casino activities conduct their economic activities on the territory of call “LNR”, thus filling the aggressor’s budget. Their money finances the power bloc, the defense-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, as well as armed aggression against Ukraine.
In addition, the person who directly controls the activities of the online casino, after the start of the full-scale invasion, financed the veterans of the so-called “svo”. The same online casino continues to operate on the territory of Russia and on Russian web resources.
On the basis of the collected evidence, the actual beneficial owners of the online casino and the top manager of the supervisory body were notified of suspicions of aiding the aggressor state, as well as the director and owner of the trademark and domain name.
Currently, the Bureau, together with other authorized bodies, is taking measures to collect seized funds into state revenue in accordance with the norms of current legislation.
We will remind, on January 8, it was reported that the SBI employees detained the businessman Ihor Zotka, who is considered the owner of the Pin-UP online casino and the Yediny Prostir financial company. The real shareholders of the business are Russians, but this did not bother the law enforcement officers until recently.
Pin-Up is considered one of the most odious and “tainted” online casinos in Ukraine. The shareholders of the casino are Russians, in particular, a man named Dmytro Punin (he was detained last year by Cyprus law enforcement officers as part of an investigation into the laundering of Russian billions. The Greek mass media reported that Ukrainian citizen Ihor Zotko was also involved in the criminal case).
In Ukraine, among the shareholders, according to rumors, there are high-ranking SBUshniks.
Pin-Up’s funds have already been repeatedly seized, Russian casino money wanted to be transferred to the Armed Forces. But due to corruption and the interest of certain persons, these decisions fell apart in the courts.
The Finance Committee of the Verkhovna Rada has questions about the Russian origin of Pin-Up. They even appealed to the law enforcement agencies about this. Despite all this, the casino is still not deprived of its license and continues to swindle money from Ukrainians.
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