“People’s deputy Mykola Tyshchenko, who previously allegedly had heart problems and was absent from the parliament for a long time, appeared at the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada. Source: People’s Deputy of “European Solidarity” Oleksiy Goncharenko in Telegram Tyshchenko’s direct speech: “I’m turning the page.”, — write: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: People’s deputy of “European Solidarity” Oleksiy Honcharenko in Telegram
Tyshchenko’s direct speech: “I’m turning the page. I realized that no one needs this fight (with call centers – ed.). I did it at the request of my constituents.”
Details: Tyshchenko did not come to Council meetings for a long time. Earlier, citing ischemic heart disease, he did not attend the court hearing in the case of the beating of the former fighter of the special forces “Kraken” Dmytro Mazokha.
- In Dnipro, on June 20, a group of unknown persons attacked a former fighter of the Kraken special unit while he was walking with a child. The video shows that the security of People’s Deputy Mykola Tyshchenko, with whom Mazokha had an argument, was involved.
- On June 25, the law enforcement officers informed Tyshchenko of suspicion based on the events in the city of Dnipro.
- On June 25, the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv chose a preventive measure against Tyshchenko. According to the court’s decision, he must be under 24-hour house arrest, wear an electronic bracelet and hand in his foreign passports.
- After the end of the court session, a scandal broke out, because Tyshchenko was seen in a five-star hotel in Kyiv after the preventive measure was chosen.
- On November 12, the Kyiv Court of Appeal extended Tyshchenko’s preventive measure in the form of 24-hour house arrest.
- On December 23, Tyshchenko, citing heart problems, did not appear at the court session. The court did not extend the preventive measure of the people’s deputy.