“After the appointment of Philip Pronin to the position of the State Financial Monitoring Service (Finmon) in Ukraine, purges began in the department. This is reported by a number of anonymous Telegram channels. The government of Ukraine has dismissed the first deputy head of the State Financial Monitoring Service, Ihor Gaevskii, and deputy Vitaly Zubriy. Changes also took place in the Tax Service, where a new head, Ruslan Kravchenko, was recently appointed. Control over the Tax Office”, — write on: ua.news
After the appointment of Philip Pronin to the position of the State Financial Monitoring Service (Finmon) in Ukraine, purges began in the department.
This is reported by a number of anonymous Telegram channels.
The government of Ukraine has dismissed the first deputy head of the State Financial Monitoring Service, Ihor Gaevskii, and deputy Vitaly Zubriy. Changes also took place in the Tax Service, where a new head, Ruslan Kravchenko, was recently appointed. Control over the Tax Service was transferred to the Office of the President.
We will remind you that on December 30, we wrote that Kravchenko and Pronin – after being dismissed from the positions of the heads of the Kyiv and Poltava OVAs, respectively – can get new positions.
It should be noted that Pronin had certain questions from the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (in particular, it was about a conflict of interests).
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