“Attack by hackers: the Ukrainian flag appeared on the LED screen in Astana on the day of Putin’s arrival On the LED screen near the Astana Opera theater, the Ukrainian flag appeared on the day of Putin’s visit to Kazakhstan.”, — write on: unn.ua
“Hackers have broken the screen at the Astana Opera. The Akimat is turning it off,” the authors of the Instagram account that published the video captioned the video, the message reads.
After the video was published on the KazTAG website, the editor-in-chief was contacted by representatives of “Keruyen”. Media”.
They explained the painting of the flag of the Russian Federation in the color of the flag of Ukraine by “closing the cable”.
At 4:30 p.m., on the LED screen of Keruen Media, on the image of the flag of the Russian Federation on the upper segment, the cable closed and the white color turned off, due to which the color tonality changed when the electricity was loaded, it became brighter. Thus, when producing a video for a mobile phone, red appears yellow when playing a video for eye contact
We will remind
Putin paid a state visit to Kazakhstan for talks with Tokayev.
Flightradar did not record the Kremlin dictator on board, while other aircraft were forced to circle, waiting for Putin to land in Astana.