“About 50 individuals and 30 legal entities will be included in the 15th package of anti-Russian sanctions of the European Union.”, — write: epravda.com.ua
About 50 individuals and 30 legal entities will be included in the 15th package of anti-Russian sanctions of the European Union. This was announced by Vladyslav Vlasyuk, the President’s authorized adviser on sanctions policy. In particular, the new sanctions will affect Russian arms manufacturers and some Chinese companies that supply them with components; Companies helping Moscow to obtain critical components include entities from: Russia, Serbia, Iran, Hong Kong, China, India, UAE, Thailand; Officials from the DPRK involved in sending troops to the territory of the Russian Federation; Oil transportation companies and their managers. In addition, the new package of sanctions will include banning access to European ports for about 45 Russian oil tankers, as well as several technical amendments to Euroclear/immovable assets. Russian creditors, which has not yet been blacklisted, in order to limit the Kremlin’s ability to finance its military efforts.