“According to the President, communities bordering the Russian Federation need special support, special tax conditions will be developed for them.”, — write: www.epravda.com.ua
According to the President, communities bordering the Russian Federation need special support, special tax conditions will be developed for them.
About this informs President Volodymyr Zelenskyi during the presentation of the Internal Stability Plan of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada.
“Stable communities, the stability of our entire state should be based on the maximum efficiency of management in communities, people should feel that the community is for them. We created a special institution to take into account the interests of each community when making state decisions. This is the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities “, Zelenskyi said.
According to him, cooperation between citizens in Ukraine should be strengthened, when rear communities, which are more capable, support and help communities that are under constant enemy fire.
As an example, the President cited the special support measures implemented for Kharkiv, so that the city could function in conditions of constant Russian terror.
“I am instructing to develop similar conditions for other border towns, for our centers of gravity in the east of Ukraine, for Sumy, for Chernihiv. We must not forget about our Ukrainian communities, which are currently in temporarily occupied territories, we will not forget this,” Zelenskyy said. .
Also, according to him, the communities that received the most immigrants need special solutions in order to ensure greater integration of people.
“There is a disparity in the incomes of communities. It is clear why – in connection with the relocation of business and based on the distance from the front, and these are just a few reasons for there to be special principles for our interaction with communities in time of war, all this will be reflected in application,” added Zelenskyi.
We will remind:
At the session of the Kharkiv City Council of Entrepreneurs released from taxes on real estate, on land and payment of a single tax for FOP 4 group.