October 16, 2024
North Korea is actually being included in the war against Ukraine - Zelenskyi thumbnail

North Korea is actually being included in the war against Ukraine – Zelenskyi

Russia plans to actually involve North Korea in the war in Ukraine this winter. Some other countries are also investing in prolonging the conflict. This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi during his evening address. Zelensky noted that he, together with the Foreign Intelligence Service and GUR, discussed the Russians’ plans for the war in Ukraine this winter. “Actually, we are talking about it”, — write on: ua.news

Russia plans to actually involve North Korea in the war in Ukraine this winter. Some other countries are also investing in prolonging the conflict.

This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi during his evening address.

Zelensky noted that he, together with the Foreign Intelligence Service and GUR, discussed the Russians’ plans for the war in Ukraine this winter.

“In fact, we are talking about the inclusion of North Korea in the war. “Russia’s relations with some other countries were also discussed, which, unfortunately, contribute to the prolongation of the war,” the president noted.

He also emphasized the importance of foreign policy, in particular, Ukraine’s relations with partners and possible actions that can contribute to defense and achieving results.

“Thank you to intelligence and all involved specialists for the complete picture. In response, he gave specific tasks to the Defense Forces, the Security Forces, the government and our diplomats. Regardless of who helps Russia, we will respond as harshly as necessary to protect Ukraine. There will also be appropriate work with partners so that Russian intentions are not realized,” Zelenskyy concluded.

Earlier, we wrote that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, held another meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. It discussed the operational situation along the entire front line.

We will also remind you that Zelensky can present a victory plan in the parliament this week.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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