October 16, 2024
"Prepare at least psychologically." If the war continues for another five years, Ukraine will start recruiting women - Portnikov thumbnail

“Prepare at least psychologically.” If the war continues for another five years, Ukraine will start recruiting women – Portnikov

“Prepare at least psychologically.” If the war continues for another five years, women will be drafted in Ukraine – Portnikov October 14, 18:28 Share: Political scientist and publicist Vitaly Portnikov (Photo: Rostislav Shpuk / Facebook) Journalist, publicist and writer Vitaly Portnikov expressed the opinion that if the war Russia against Ukraine will continue for another two or three years, then the mobilization age will be lowered, and if it is extended for five years, the conscription of women will begin.”, — write on: ua.news

“Prepare at least psychologically.” If the war continues for another five years, Ukraine will start recruiting women – Portnikov

October 14, 18:28

Political scientist and publicist Vitaly Portnikov (Photo: Rostislav Shpuk / Facebook)

Journalist, publicist and writer Vitaly Portnikov expressed the opinion that if Russia’s war against Ukraine continues for another two or three years, the mobilization age will be lowered, and if it is extended for five years, the conscription of women will begin.

He stated this on Sunday, October 13, on the air of the Espresso TV channel, commenting on the news that employees of the TCC and JV began to conduct checks in restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers and at concerts in various cities of Ukraine.

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It must be understood that as the war progresses, it will all become tougher. It is necessary to understand this objectively, if we agree with the paradigm of a long war from which there is no way out, additional mobilization will be needed, as I have repeatedly said,” Portnikov believes.

According to the journalist, over time the authorities will be forced to lower the mobilization age and start conscripting women.

Do not have any illusions that this will not happen. If the war continues for another two or three years, the conscription age will be reduced, if it continues for five years, women will be drafted. Why is Israel conscripting women? This is not because of a good life, but because they have a certain population equal to the population of countries that are ready to fight against Israel,” added Portnikov.

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He also noted that the Ukrainians it is worth preparing for such a development of events, at least psychologically.”

On September 16, the Committee on National Security and Defense of the Council supported draft law No. 11379-d, which provides for a ban on the mobilization of persons of limited fitness under the age of 25.

On September 17, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, said that the Ministry of Defense will in the coming days issue an order prohibiting the mobilization of men aged 18 to 25 who have been recognized as having limited fitness during wartime, and that people’s deputies will simultaneously discuss with representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff how to release them from service. those who have already been mobilized and replace them with other fighters.

There is no mobilization of women in Ukraine. At the same time, the military registration of women applies only to those who have received an education in the specialties defined by Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine On Military Duty and Military Service.

On June 17, the Ministry of Defense reported that more than 210,000 women updated their data through the Reserve+ application.

On September 27, State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Lyudmila Daragan reported that 68,000 women serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Editor: Roksolana Ostapchuk

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