September 30, 2024
Judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal were removed for corruption thumbnail

Judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal were removed for corruption

On September 30, the Supreme Council of Justice decided to suspend four judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal. They are suspected of receiving a bribe in the amount of $35,000. This was reported by the SAP press service. “On September 30, 2024, at the request of the head of the SAP, the Supreme Council of Justice suspended 4 judges from the administration of justice in connection with criminal charges”, — write on:

On September 30, the Supreme Council of Justice decided to suspend four judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal. They are suspected of receiving a bribe in the amount of $35,000.

This was reported by the SAP press service.

“On September 30, 2024, at the request of the head of the SAP, the Supreme Council of Justice suspended from the administration of justice in connection with the criminal prosecution of 4 judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeals, who are accused of receiving an illegal benefit in the amount of 35 thousand dollars. the United States for making a decision to cancel the seizure of property,” the message reads.

According to the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, judges demanded and received an illegal benefit for passing a decision to cancel the seizure of property. The investigation of this case lasted several months.

The term of suspension is until the court verdict enters into force or the criminal proceedings are closed.

Earlier, the Supreme Council of Justice approved the arrest of four judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal, who were caught accepting a $35,000 bribe for making the right decision.

Earlier we wrote that the parties involved in the case are judges Yuriy Sliva, Viktor Glynyany, Ihor Palenyk and Vyacheslav Dzyubin. For a bribe, they had to cancel the decision on seizure of property in the case of Motor Sich ex-explorer Vyacheslav Boguslaev.

⚡⚡⚡ All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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