September 30, 2024
Boys and girls will study together at military training lessons - Ministry of Education thumbnail

Boys and girls will study together at military training lessons – Ministry of Education

Students of the 10th-11th grades for the subject “Defense of Ukraine” will be divided into groups of 8 to 15 people each, without gender division. This was reported by the Ministry of Education, Interfax-Ukraine writes. “These changes will allow teachers to focus more on practical learning in smaller groups, and students, regardless of gender, to learn basic life skills, self-defense”, — write on:

Students of the 10th-11th grades for the subject “Defense of Ukraine” will be divided into groups of 8 to 15 people each, without gender division.

This was reported by the Ministry of Education, Interfax-Ukraine writes.

“These changes will enable teachers to focus more on practical training in smaller groups, and students, regardless of gender, to learn basic life skills, self-defense and formation of defense awareness,” the ministry said in a statement.

According to the updated program, during the years 2024-2026, the model curriculum “Defense of Ukraine” will be implemented within the framework of the all-Ukrainian pedagogical experiment, and educational institutions that currently teach according to the old program must also abandon the gender division of groups.

In particular, the updated program consists of 10 modules and is aimed at developing practical skills: medical aid, drone control skills, tactical medicine, radio communication and other modern technologies that correspond to the realities of wartime.

According to the report, from 2027 the updated “Defense of Ukraine” program will become the basis for specialized studies, where students will be able to choose individual modules for in-depth study.

The department also said that instead of the usual 45-minute lessons once a week, the new program provides that lessons will be held throughout the day once a month

“For this purpose, special educational centers are being created in the communities, which will unite students from several schools. This will allow for more effective organization of practical classes and provide students from the entire community with access to modern educational equipment,” the message reads.

Earlier, the Ministry of Education and Science approved the updated curriculum of the subject “Defense of Ukraine”: now students of grades 10-11, in particular, will study weapons, military equipment and protection of civilians.

Pupils of grades 10-11 will study the subject “Defense of Ukraine” in specially created “cells”, of which there will be about 1,200 units throughout the country.

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