September 30, 2024
Smog and dust in Kyiv: the Ministry of Environment explained what happened thumbnail

Smog and dust in Kyiv: the Ministry of Environment explained what happened

Smoke is observed in the capital, the cause of which is fires in the ecosystems of the Kyiv region.”, — write:

Smoke is observed in the capital, the cause of which is fires in the ecosystems of the Kyiv region.

Smog and dust in Kyiv / photo UNIANSmog and dust in Kyiv / photo UNIANThe cause of smog in the Kyiv region is fires in ecosystems. This is reported by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.

It is noted that smog is currently observed in the capital, the cause of which is fires in the ecosystems of the Kyiv region. According to the monitoring posts of local authorities and public organizations, the average level of air pollution is currently observed:

“As of 7 a.m., seven cases of fires have been contained on a total area of ​​1.25 hectares in the Vyshchedubechan branch of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” in the Kyiv region. At 10 a.m., a new fire was contained on an area of ​​1.1 hectares. The situation is currently under the control of foresters.”

In turn, according to the information of the Hydrometeorological Center, wind flows from the Caspian lowland, where a dust storm and high air pollution continue, enter Ukraine. This fine dust settles in Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. A small amount also enters the territory of Cherkasy and Kirovohrad regions.

“This situation will last until Friday, when the direction of the wind in Ukraine will change to the south and west. Dust will reach us in waves, that is, improvements will alternate with deterioration of visibility and air quality,” the report says.

The department predicts that dust will reach the territory of Kyiv region on October 1 and 2, but its amount will be smaller. However, for Kyiv region, Chernihiv region, and Sumy region, air quality may also deteriorate due to the movement of carbon monoxide with smog, which will spread from outside Ukraine from the northeast on October 1.

Environmentalists advise if possible not to be outdoors, especially during periods of intense smoke, keep windows and doors closed, drink plenty of water, use a mask or respirator, as well as air purifiers and do wet cleaning of premises:

“People with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems should pay special attention to these tips.”

Air pollution in KyivIn mid-September, significant air pollution was recorded in Kyiv. The average daily content of nitrogen dioxide exceeded the maximum permissible concentration, which can negatively affect people’s well-being.

During September 18-19, due to dry and warm weather, the content of nitrogen dioxide in the air exceeded the critical level, namely 5 maximum permissible concentrations.

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