September 30, 2024
State enterprises have the most debts for salaries in Ukraine thumbnail

State enterprises have the most debts for salaries in Ukraine

According to the analytics of the Razumkov Center, the largest salary debtors in Ukraine are state-owned enterprises and joint-stock companies, which account for 62.6% of all debt litigation. In particular, state-owned enterprises have more than 11,000 court cases, which is 33.8% of all debts, while joint-stock companies have more than 9,000 cases or 28.8%. Limited company”, — write on:

According to the analytics of the Razumkov Center, the largest salary debtors in Ukraine are state-owned enterprises and joint-stock companies, which account for 62.6% of all debt litigation.

In particular, state-owned enterprises have more than 11,000 court cases, which is 33.8% of all debts, while joint-stock companies have more than 9,000 cases or 28.8%.

Limited liability companies are in third place with 4.9 thousand cases, which is 14.2% of the total number. Subsidiaries and utilities have 12.5% ​​and 4.3%, respectively.

These data indicate serious problems in the public sector, as the inability of enterprises to pay salaries to their employees is a warning signal for the economy as a whole. According to information from the “Opendatabot” service, as of August, more than 34,000 salary debts were registered in Ukraine.

Earlier we wrote that the majority of Ukrainians are faced with a low level of wages when looking for a job – this problem was indicated by 56.3% of respondents.

We will also remind you that the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine presented the new Social Portal.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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