September 30, 2024
Israel prepares for ground invasion of Lebanon - WSJ thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Israel prepares for ground invasion of Lebanon – WSJ

Israeli special forces are conducting raids in southern Lebanon, gathering intelligence and preparing for a possible ground invasion that could begin as early as this week, despite international pressure to prevent an escalation.”, — write:

Israeli special forces are conducting raids in southern Lebanon, gathering intelligence and preparing for a possible ground invasion that could begin as early as this week, despite international pressure to prevent an escalation.

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Details: The publication’s sources report that the Israeli special forces are conducting targeted raids in the south of Lebanon, in particular in the Hezbollah tunnels along the Lebanese-Israeli border. The operations are part of preparations for a possible ground invasion that could begin as early as this week.

Literally: “A ground invasion is inevitable, and the current raids are a standard part of preparations for a larger operation,” according to former senior Israeli army official Amir Avivi, who continues to receive information from the defense ministry.

Details: According to him, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is actively preparing for possible ground operations, in particular with the use of special units.

“Hezbollah appears so weakened that Israel’s dilemma is how far Israel should go into Lebanon. When and on what terms Israel will go remains unclear,” Avivi said.

Despite pressure from the United States and Arab countries, which call for a diplomatic solution to the conflict and warn of the risk of a regional war, Israel continues to build up its forces on the border with Lebanon.

According to the chief of staff of the Israeli army, Hertzi Halevi, the airstrikes that are currently underway are preparations for a ground maneuver. He emphasized that the troops should be ready for an invasion of the enemy’s territory.

The US has also increased its military presence in the region to deter possible Iranian intervention. In particular, two aircraft carrier strike groups, “Abraham Lincoln” and “Harry S. Truman”, are in the Red and Mediterranean seas, respectively. This is a rare case when the US keeps two aircraft carriers in this region, the publication notes.


  • The American edition of The Washington Post, citing informed interlocutors, reported that US officials do not recommend Israel to carry out a ground military operation in Lebanon.
  • On September 27, the Israel Defense Forces announced that it had struck the main headquarters of Hezbollah in the Lebanese capital, Beirut. According to an IDF spokesman, the headquarters was built under civilian buildings in the suburb of Dahiyeh, a known Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut.
  • On September 28, the IDF announced the destruction of a high-ranking Hezbollah official, Nabil Kauk, as a result of an airstrike in the capital of Lebanon, Beirut.
  • On September 28, the IDF announced the elimination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
  • Nasrallah served as the Secretary General of Hezbollah for 32 years.
  • He was the central decision maker and responsible for directing and executing terrorist attacks around the world that killed civilians.

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