September 30, 2024
Ukrainian stand-up artist Serhiy Chirkov mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Ukrainian stand-up artist Serhiy Chirkov mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

This was announced by Armiya TV, publishing a story about obstacle course tests by the host and director of the Wild Theater, Yaroslava Kravchenko, and stand-up artist Sergey Chirkov. Army TV reported that after filming in the project, Ukrainian stand-up artist Serhii Chirkov, a resident of the Underground Stand-up project, mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces and is currently undergoing BZVP at the training center. Serhiy Chikrov himself has not yet reported on the mobilization in social networks. Video”, — write on:

This was announced by the Army TV channel, publishing a story about obstacle course tests by the presenter and director of the Wild Theater Yaroslava Kravchenko and stand-up artist Sergey Chirkov.

Army TV reported that after filming in the project, Ukrainian stand-up artist Serhii Chirkov, a resident of the Underground Stand-up project, mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces and is currently undergoing BZVP at the training center. Serhiy Chikrov himself has not yet reported on the mobilization in social networks.

Video of the day
@screenshot/Army TV/Facebook
Photo: @skrinshot/Armiya TV/Facebook

In the story aired on Armiya TV, Toronto TV presenter, director of the Wild Theater and volunteer Yaroslava Kravchenko and stand-up artist Serhiy Chirkov tested their strength on the obstacle course of the Third Assault Brigade in conditions as close as possible to combat. They climbed pipes, walls and swamps.

Another hero of the plot was an instructor with the call sign Roger, under whose supervision the celebrities tested themselves for strength and endurance.

Roger, also known as Maksym Levchenko, is a legendary personality, a defender of operations for the defense of Kyiv region and Mariupol. A military man flew to surrounded Mariupol by helicopter, was captured and released during one of the exchanges.

The obstacle course is one of the physical and psychological tests of the attack test week that the Third Assault Force conducts for those who want to join their unit, as well as for civilians who are preparing for mobilization and want to test themselves.

In the summer of 2024, stand-up artist Serhii Chirkov got into a scandal at the Atlas United festival in Kyiv. According to the testimony, the festival-goers very quickly asked Chirkov off the stage when he started quoting lines of the current president of Ukraine from a debate at the stadium in 2019. The organizers of Atlas United apologized for this incident on their social networks.

Editor: Julia Naidenko

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