September 30, 2024
"Peace through strength" - Yermak explained how the Victory Plan differs from the Peace Formula thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

“Peace through strength” – Yermak explained how the Victory Plan differs from the Peace Formula

The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, explained that the Victory Plan exists in order to create conditions for the implementation of the Peace Formula: “In order for our peace to come precisely through force.” Source: Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak on the air of “Yednykh Noviny” Details: According to Yermak, following the results of the visit to the USA, it became clear that our partners understand our actions, the pivotal importance of the Kursk operation, our strategy, our needs, the development strategy and of what the Victory Plan is and how it differs from the Peace Formula.”, — write:

The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, explained that the Victory Plan exists in order to create conditions for the implementation of the Peace Formula: “In order for our peace to come precisely through force.”

Source: Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak on the air of “Edynykh Noviny”

Details: According to Yermak, after the visit to the USA, it became clear that our partners understand our actions, the critical importance of the Kursk operation, our strategy, our needs, development strategy and what the Victory Plan consists of and how it differs from the Peace Formula.

The head of the President’s Office noted that the Victory Plan creates the conditions for the implementation of the Peace Formula, so that “we stop thinking about what is in the minds of the crazy rulers of the Kremlin, so that our peace comes precisely through force, so that Ukraine is strong, Ukraine was one that would be able to obtain a just peace”.

Direct speech: “We felt a complete understanding of such a position. There are definitely difficult issues that need to be worked on. It doesn’t happen overnight.”

What preceded:

  • Presidential spokesman Serhiy Nikiforov said that during Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s visit to the United States, the American side showed “huge interest” in the Victory Plan, despite media reports to the contrary.
  • This week, Bloomberg wrote that some Western officials tried to lower expectations for the presentation of the Ukrainian Victory Plan, saying that they do not see a breakthrough in it.
  • And according to The Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration is concerned that the Ukrainian Plan for Victory in the War against Russia lacks a comprehensive strategy.
  • According to the mass media, the Victory Plan, which was not disclosed publicly, includes an invitation to Ukraine to join NATO and the commitment of the United States to the constant supply of modern weapons.

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