September 29, 2024
The "Federal Bitcoin Association" was founded in Germany thumbnail

The “Federal Bitcoin Association” was founded in Germany

64 members of the Bundestag founded the “Federal Bitcoin Association”. The group will focus on promoting the first cryptocurrency at the national and European levels, as well as creating favorable conditions for business. Yesterday we founded the #Bitcoin-Bundesverband in the Bundestag. 🚀⚡️ 64 GrĂĽndungsmitglieder kämpfen nun gemeinsam fĂĽr ihre Interessen, fĂĽr financiale Bildung und fĂĽr Bitcoin. Ich freue mich sehr, Teil des Verbandes zu sein und gratuliere […]”, — write:

In Germany, the

64 members of the Bundestag founded the “Federal Bitcoin Association”. The group will focus on the promotion of the first cryptocurrency at the national and European levels, as well as formation of favorable conditions for business.

The association will offer companies a platform to share knowledge, strengthen expertise, build community and lobby for Bitcoin as a technology and payment medium.

Any companies, as well as natural persons (without the right to vote) can become members of the association.

The framework focuses exclusively on digital gold, leaving out other cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.

Participants pledged to promote business-friendly regulations, including tax incentives and support for mining.

“Thanks to the focus on the first cryptocurrency and cooperation with political and business circles, we are creating a stable basis for the further development of the bitcoin economy in Germany and Europe,” the organization’s program document says.

It will be recalled that in July Bundestag deputy Joana Kotar criticized the government for selling bitcoin. During the month, Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office sold 49,858 BTC for €2.6 billion ($2.88 billion).

In September, ForkLog reported on Commerzbank’s plans to offer cryptocurrency trading and storage services to corporate clients in Germany in collaboration with Crypto Finance.

A similar initiative is implemented by DZ Bank in cooperation with Boerse Stuttgart Digital.

The source

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