September 25, 2024
The Ministry of Defense is developing new ammunition at the request of the military thumbnail

The Ministry of Defense is developing new ammunition at the request of the military

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is developing technical specifications for expanding the assortment of tangible property for the military, namely baseball caps, pants with knee pads, turnstile covers and tablets. According to the press service of the Ministry of Defense, these things are the most needed, as evidenced by a survey of the military conducted by the Department of Procurement Policy of the Ministry of Defense together with the Command of Logistics Forces during July-August. According to the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine”, — write on:

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is developing technical specifications for expanding the assortment of tangible property for the military, namely baseball caps, pants with knee pads, turnstile covers and tablets.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Defense, these things are the most needed, as evidenced by a survey of the military conducted by the Department of Procurement Policy of the Ministry of Defense together with the Command of Logistics Forces during July-August.

According to the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Dmytro Klimenkov, the survey was conducted to find out the real state of affairs with the provision of uniforms, body armor, and helmets to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For this property, the need is almost completely covered and provision is made in full with formed warehouse stocks.

Also, the military had the opportunity to express their wishes regarding what property they lacked. For example, in their opinion, it is also worth issuing demi-season jackets (windbreakers), one-person individual tents, tablet and turnstile covers, military baseball caps, tactical sneakers, etc.

“We strive to provide our military with everything necessary for the effective performance of tasks. The war is changing, the needs are changing – and we listen to the servicemen. During the survey, they expressed specific wishes regarding the property they lack. We will take it into account,” Klimenkov said.

Previously, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine codified and approved the Canadian-made Roshel Senator MRAP armored car for use in the army.

Also, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine codified and approved for delivery to the ranks of the Armed Forces an unmanned aircraft complex called “Black Widow”.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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