September 25, 2024
The President's Office does not have information on when Ukraine will receive $50 billion for Russian assets thumbnail

The President’s Office does not have information on when Ukraine will receive $50 billion for Russian assets

Now it is not clear how Ukraine can get a loan from the proceeds of frozen Russian assets for 50 billion dollars. There is not enough political will to allocate funds. This was stated by the deputy head of the President’s Office, Iryna Mudra, at the “Make Russia pay” conference dedicated to the confiscation of Russian assets, the correspondent of “RBK-Ukraine” reports. “We don’t even have a timeline oriented to today, although we”, — write on:

Now it is not clear how Ukraine can get a loan from the proceeds of frozen Russian assets for 50 billion dollars. There is not enough political will to allocate funds.

This was stated by the deputy head of the President’s Office, Iryna Mudra, at the “Make Russia pay” conference dedicated to the confiscation of Russian assets, the correspondent of “RBK-Ukraine” reports.

“We don’t even have an oriented timeline for today, although the leaders of the “Big Seven” promised us in June that by the end of the year, Ukraine would already receive part of these 50 billion. “Today, we do not understand either organizationally, technically, or legally what it will look like, through what tools these 50 billion will be given to us, under what conditions,” she said.

According to her, 1.4 billion euros from frozen Russian assets, which the EU will direct to military purchases for Ukraine, remained in the European Union. They will be used for Ukrainian needs, but Ukraine has not received anything from these funds.

Mudra reported that she was hindering progress on the use of Russian assets for the benefit of Ukraine.

“There are concerns about legal grounds, economic cautions. And, in the end, the main factor, having the experience of communicating with them over the years, I am convinced that today this is the biggest obstacle that prevents us from getting these 50 billion – it is political will. Because when it exists, the legal constructions and safeguards against a financial and economic shock can be worked out. And they are already created. What we don’t have today is political will,” she added.

It will be recalled that in June the leaders of the G7 countries agreed to provide Ukraine with a loan in the amount of 50 billion dollars, which will be repaid at the expense of revenues from the frozen assets of Russia.

The European Union is preparing to allocate up to €40 billion in new loans to Ukraine by the end of the year without the participation of the United States. Brussels is taking such a step due to fears that Hungary will disrupt the plan of the “Big Seven” to use frozen Russian assets to help Kyiv.

It will be recalled that the European Union proposed to stop all imports of Russian oil by the beginning of next year, but difficulties arose with Hungary. Budapest blocked a decision on sanctions and then demanded huge compensation.

Earlier, we wrote about the compromise option, which was eventually proposed by the European Commission, taking into account the objections of the Hungarian side.

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