September 24, 2024
Railways of Ukraine and Poland agreed on the development of routes thumbnail

Railways of Ukraine and Poland agreed on the development of routes

JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” and Polish State Railways have agreed to develop intermodal railway routes between Asia and Europe.”, — write:

JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” and Polish State Railways have agreed to develop intermodal railway routes between Asia and Europe.

About this informs press service of “Ukrzaliznytsia”.

The parties agreed to increase the carrying capacity and efficiency of border crossings in cargo transportation, as well as the expansion of the border railway infrastructure.

As told in “Ukrzaliznytsia”, despite the war, Ukraine remains a promising country for building diversification connections between Asia and the EU countries, in particular thanks to the China-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Ukraine route to Poland through the Polish-Ukrainian railway border crossings.

As stated in the message, the main task for both sides is the restoration and development of the Eurasian intermodal connection and ensuring the maximum efficiency of rail freight transportation at the Polish-Ukrainian border crossings.

“Ukraine and Poland are strategic partners in this project, therefore it is important for our countries to coordinate work together and work on the development of Ukrainian-Polish railway border crossings and TEN-T corridors of the 1435 mm gauge on the territory of Ukraine,” said Yevhen, Chairman of the Board of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” Lyashchenko

“This cooperation will contribute to the increase of railway freight flows between Poland and Ukraine and the development of a trade corridor from China through Central and East Asia. The geographical position of Poland is of strategic importance for the implementation of Eurasian railway transport. It is here that several railway routes leading from Asia to Europe converge in including the TITR route, the Southern, Central and Northern routes of the New Silk Road and the South-Western Corridor,” said the General Director of JSC “Polish State Railways” & PKP Group Alan Berud.

We will remind:

JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” and the project “Promoting integrity in the public sector” (Pro-Integrity) Agreed to actively cooperate in the development of internal policies of the UZ on the prevention and detection of corruption, integrity and ethics.

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