September 24, 2024
He is not yet at this stage: the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry explained that he will force Putin to end the war thumbnail

He is not yet at this stage: the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry explained that he will force Putin to end the war

He noted that Putin’s economy and his ability to send hundreds of thousands of Russians to their deaths “are not limitless.””, — write:

He noted that Putin’s economy and his ability to send hundreds of thousands of Russians to their deaths “are not limitless.”

Sikorsky answered when the war in Ukraine will end / photo European UnionSikorsky answered when the war in Ukraine will end / photo European UnionThe war in Ukraine can only end when Russian leader Vladimir Putin admits that he will not be able to achieve his goals. However, he has not yet “reached such a conclusion,” Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said in an interview with MSNBC.

“This war will end only when Putin decides that the invasion was a mistake and that he will not achieve his goals at an acceptable price. And he is not at that stage yet,” said the Polish Foreign Minister.

At the same time, he noted that “his (Putin’s) economy and his ability to send hundreds of thousands of Russians to their deaths are not limitless.” And if the Allies do not stop there, this war can be ended by restoring international law and international borders.

Evaluating the victory plan of Volodymyr Zelenskyi, which he has to present to US President Joe Biden in the coming days, the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry expressed his support for the provision of military aid by the West.

“Ukraine has its own defense industry, which lacks resources, which has some spare capacity, and a few billion dollars could help them a lot, so that Putin understands that he cannot win,” he emphasized.

Sikorsky recalled that Ukraine’s invasion of the Kursk region moved the war to Russian territory, so “even Russian propagandists are beginning to understand that everything is not going as planned.”

At the same time, he noted that in order to achieve peace, both countries should withdraw their troops to their internationally recognized borders.

When and how will the war endDuring his visit to the United States, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made an optimistic statement about the possible end of the war with Russia, saying in an interview with ABC News that the end of the war is “closer than we think.”

And the president of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, said that Ukraine “will have to be realistic” about the prospects of returning the territories occupied by the Russians, and the most likely outcome of the war will be that part of the Ukrainian territory will temporarily be under Russian occupation.

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