September 24, 2024
G7+ ministers call for more active support of Ukraine's energy sector thumbnail

G7+ ministers call for more active support of Ukraine’s energy sector

The ministerial group of the G7+ countries called on the world community to step up support for Ukraine’s energy sector ahead of winter.”, — write:

The ministerial group of the G7+ countries called on the world community to step up support for Ukraine’s energy sector ahead of winter.

This is stated in the statement of the US State Department, transmits Ukrinform.

It is noted that the ministerial meeting took place on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. At it, the parties confirmed “unwavering support for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s brutal and unjust attacks on Ukraine and its energy infrastructure.”

In particular, the G7+ ministerial group condemns Russia’s ongoing missile and drone strikes against Ukrainian energy infrastructure and cities across Ukraine, which have intensified since March 2024 and threaten Ukraine’s energy security and Ukrainians’ access to critical services throughout the winter.

The group also confirmed its readiness to support the immediate, mid-term and long-term recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine in accordance with its path to the EU, as well as to work on the involvement of the private sector and local authorities in the sustainable economic and social recovery of Ukraine.

“We welcome and emphasize the importance of Ukraine’s commitment to business-friendly reforms that will create a level playing field for investments in the energy sector. We emphasize the importance of implementing the National Energy and Climate Plan and monitoring this process. We will continue to support the efforts of the Ukrainian government and people to in this direction,” the ministers noted.

In addition, the parties emphasized the importance of implementing reforms in the energy sector in accordance with the path of joining the EU and fulfilling obligations under the Energy Community Treaty, including corporate governance standards that meet OECD standards.

“We recognize the need for international assistance to protect the energy infrastructure from attacks, including by strengthening Ukraine’s air defense capabilities from countries that have undertaken the relevant obligations, and we confirm our readiness to continue providing such assistance,” the statement said.

The ministerial group is also convinced that the restoration of Ukraine’s energy system in the short and long term is in the interests of increasing global energy security and stability.

“We call on international partners to increase their financial contributions, in particular to the specified fund, in order to strengthen the stability of Ukraine next winter,” the group emphasized.

We will remind:

The G7 countries, as well as other partners, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation collected over $4 billion to restore Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, which Moscow is trying to destroy.

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