September 24, 2024
Trump called Zelensky "the best salesman in history" thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Trump called Zelensky “the best salesman in history”

The US presidential candidate from the Republican Party, Donald Trump, called the president of Ukraine “the best salesman in history” and again spoke about his alleged plan to end Russia’s war against Ukraine.”, — write:

The US presidential candidate from the Republican Party, Donald Trump, called the president of Ukraine “the best salesman in history” and again spoke about his alleged plan to end Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Source: Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania, quoted by Bloomberg

Direct speech: “I see that Zelensky is here. I think that Zelensky is the best salesman in history – every time he comes to the country, he leaves with 60 billion dollars.”

Details: Trump added that he believed the Ukrainian leader “badly wanted his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris to win the election” and said that if he won the election, he would try to push Ukraine and Russia to the negotiating table.

Direct speech: “If I win this election, the first thing I will do is call Zelensky, call President Putin and say, ‘You have to make a deal, this is crazy.'”

Details: Trump’s comments come as Zelensky is scheduled to meet with Harris and President Joe Biden on Thursday to present his “plan for victory.”

What preceded: Zelensky expressed his belief that the 45th President of the United States, the candidate for American leadership from the Republican Party, Donald Trump, does not really know how to stop the war in Ukraine, even “if he thinks he knows how to do it.”


  • Earlier, Trump said that if he wins, he will be able to “get along well” with Russia and China.
  • As you know, Trump has repeatedly stated that he knows how to end the war in Ukraine. In a debate with Vice President Kamala, Harris avoided answering whether he wants Ukraine to win the war, repeating only that he “wants to stop the war” and claiming that the real human losses in it allegedly reach millions.
  • Harris, in turn, said that if he, and not Joe Biden, had been the president in recent years, it would have been a disaster for Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

Read also: Is Trump lifting sanctions? Is the US presidential candidate really planning to loosen restrictions against the Russian Federation?

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