September 23, 2024
The Minister of Agricultural Policy lives in an elite apartment of a retired mother-in-law for more than 17 million, - investigators thumbnail

The Minister of Agricultural Policy lives in an elite apartment of a retired mother-in-law for more than 17 million, – investigators

The Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Vitaliy Koval lives in an apartment with an area of ​​170 square meters in an elite residential complex in the capital. The apartment was registered to his mother-in-law, and it is unclear how much money the pensioner could buy it for. This is stated in the investigation of Slidstva.Info. Journalists, investigating the declaration of the new minister, noted: Vitaly Koval declared that from August 2023 his wife will rent”, — write on:

The Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Vitaliy Koval lives in an apartment with an area of ​​170 square meters in an elite residential complex in the capital. The apartment was registered to his mother-in-law, and it is unclear how much the pensioner could buy it for.

This is stated in the investigation of Slidstva.Info.

Journalists, investigating the declaration of the new minister, noted: Vitaliy Koval declared that from August 2023 his wife will rent an apartment in Kyiv with an area of ​​170 square meters. The entire family of the minister lives in this apartment. The owner of the apartment is the minister’s mother-in-law Galina Baraniuk, who bought it in July 2021.

At the end of June 2021, an apartment with an identical area of ​​170 square meters was sold in the residential complex where Minister Koval currently lives. This apartment, according to the found advertisement, cost 17.7 million hryvnias ($650,000 according to the dollar exchange rate of that time).

According to investigators, 69-year-old Halyna Baranyuk has lived in Chernivtsi all her life. She is retired, previously worked as an accountant at various enterprises in Chernivtsi.

The document provided to journalists contains information that during 2014-2020, Galina Baraniuk earned a total of 495 thousand hryvnias. That is, on average, her monthly income during the specified seven years was 6 thousand hryvnias per month. The journalists learned from the real estate register that Halyna Baraniuk did not sell real estate that would allow her to buy an apartment in Kyiv for 17.7 million hryvnias in 2021.

Investigators also examined the minister’s declarations for the years 2019-2021 and did not see any information about loans that he or his wife could provide to Galina Baraniuk for the purchase of an apartment.

In the summer of 2021, when a premium-class apartment was purchased in the capital, Vitaliy Koval held the position of head of the Rivne Regional State Administration, to which he was appointed by the president in the fall of 2019. From the very beginning, he was a representative of the “Servant of the People” political force.

Earlier, journalists found an apartment on the beach of Miami at the wife of an Odessa judge. The head of the Kyiv District Court of Odesa, Serhiy Chvankin, declared his wife’s company in the USA, which owns an apartment in Miami worth $310,000.

Also, the Ukrainian minister, the former chairman of the agrarian committee, was exposed for taking over state land worth 291 million UAH and attempting to take over land worth another 190 million UAH.

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