September 23, 2024
We need not to lose the next few months in the war, so as not to lose the next decades - the speech of the President of Ukraine at the award ceremony of the American Academy of Achievement thumbnail

We need not to lose the next few months in the war, so as not to lose the next decades – the speech of the President of Ukraine at the award ceremony of the American Academy of Achievement

We don’t have much time. The next few months will be crucial. In this war – Russia’s war against Ukraine and all of you, because it is Russia’s war against freedom itself – we have little time to determine what the outcome will be. And we have to define it.”, — write:

Thank you very much.

Dear friends, all the guests who have gathered here today, and every friend of freedom who will hear us!

I thank you for this honor. And I want you to know that in everything we have achieved so far, and most importantly, in everything we can still achieve – our people and our Ukrainian courage – you have become a part of it. Your help, your decisions, your determination will not allow us to lose our freedom.

Today’s world does not allow us to lose any battle, when on one side there is freedom and on the other side there are all the things that we would never wish for our children. None of us would want – it doesn’t matter if we are in America, or in Ukraine, or anywhere in Europe, or anywhere in the world – no one would voluntarily choose for their children such regimes as Russian, Iranian or any other dictatorship. These regimes are always built on violence, always start wars and shed blood, always steal the future – they destroy years, leaving decades in ruins. This is why they must lose.

We don’t have much time. The next few months will be crucial. In this war – Russia’s war against Ukraine and all of you, because it is Russia’s war against freedom itself – we have little time to determine what the outcome will be. And we have to define it. Not Russia, not their bloody allies.

We have to be faster. We must not lose the next few months to war in order not to lose the next decades. Ukraine has a Victory Plan. And I will present this plan to America: to President Biden, to Congress, to both candidates for President – ​​Kamala Harris and Donald Trump – and to all of our allies around the world. And I believe that this should be our joint achievement – a victory for the sake of freedom, without any compromises at the cost of freedom. Right now, we all have the power to shape the world in which our children and their children will live.

What will they believe – our children?

Will they believe in the values ​​that unite all of you despite your differences, and in this country and in our connection to America?

Will they lose hope, living in a world where wars are constantly going on?

This “golden plate” will never be given to Putin or those like him. The reason is obvious – there is no reward for the murders they bring, the dreams they destroy, and the countries they burn. Today, people receive this award for being the best at what they do – for their ingenuity, which can only be realized in conditions of freedom.

We all need a win. And we all know why.

And let this victory be a reflection of each of you and your support. Thank you! Thank you for the invitation!

God save America!

Glory to Ukraine!

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