September 23, 2024
The Council of Europe will play a key role in bringing the Russian Federation to justice - Secretary General thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

The Council of Europe will play a key role in bringing the Russian Federation to justice – Secretary General

The Council of Europe will play a key role in holding Russia accountable for the crime of aggression. Source: Secretary General of the Council of Europe Alain Berse at the Summit of the Future, which is held as part of the high-level events of the UN General Assembly, “European Truth” with reference to Ukrinform Details: According to Berse, the Council of Europe shares the strong commitment of the UN to the cause of peace and contributes to the achievement of the goals sustainable development.”, — write:

The Council of Europe will play a key role in holding Russia accountable for the crime of aggression.

Source: General Secretary of the Council of Europe Alain Berse at the Summit of the Future, which is held as part of the high-level events of the UN General Assembly, “European Truth” with reference to Ukrinform

Details: According to Berse, the Council shares the UN’s strong commitment to peace and contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. “But the Council of Europe also has its own goals,” he emphasized. “Our current priority is to support Ukraine, which is one of our member states.”

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe emphasized that at the beginning of this year, the Register of Damages “was fully operational”, “to which contributions are received for losses and damages caused by the Russian Federation as a result of the war of aggression. This is the first tool, but it is absolutely necessary as a step towards the creation of an international compensation mechanism “.

Berse noted that the EC will play “a central role when it comes to any tribunal dealing with the crime of aggression.”

“We are going to work together on the implementation of an action plan to increase resilience, recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine,” he added.

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe emphasized that the European Court of Human Rights “is the only international jurisdiction that currently makes decisions on human rights violations in the context of this war.”

We will remind:

  • The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe elected a new secretary general of the organization on June 25 – he became a Swiss politician, former head of the Federal Council of Switzerland, Alain Berse.
  • His predecessor, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia Marija Pejčinovych-Burich, decided not to run for a second term.
  • Immediately after his election, the new Secretary General of the Council of Europe said that Ukraine and its support would be his priority in office.

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