September 23, 2024
Subsidies 2024: all the reasons when aid can be refused thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Subsidies 2024: all the reasons when aid can be refused

Subsidies 2024: all the reasons when assistance can be refused September 23, 09:31 Share: When housing subsidies can be refused ( There is a whole list of reasons and circumstances under which citizens can be refused housing subsidies in 2024 . Read also: Subsidies 2024: who can issue and how to calculate the amount of assistance When a housing subsidy is assigned in 2024 by the Regulation on the procedure for assigning housing subsidies”, — write on:

Subsidies 2024: all the reasons when aid can be refused

September 23, 09:31

When housing subsidy can be refused (Photo:

There is a whole list of reasons and circumstances under which citizens may be denied housing subsidies in 2024.

When the housing subsidy is assigned in 2024

The Regulation on the Procedure for Assigning Housing Subsidies, approved by Resolution No. 848 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 21, 1995, defines the conditions for assigning and the procedure for providing citizens with housing subsidies.

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A housing subsidy is a targeted state aid provided to residents of households for the reimbursement of expenses for payment of housing and communal services, expenses for managing an apartment building, for the purchase of liquefied gas, solid and liquid stove household fuel.

Housing subsidy is assigned if there is a difference between the amount of the fee for housing and communal services and the amount of the mandatory percentage of payment. Mandatory payment is calculated per person and determined individually for each family. It depends on the size of the total income of the household members.

According to the decision of the government, the subsidy is assigned if utility costs exceed 15% of the average monthly total family income until the end of martial law and within 1 month after its cancellation.

All the reasons and circumstances when the housing subsidy is not assigned

The subsidy is not provided if:

the total area of ​​the apartment is more than 130 square meters. m, residential building – more than 230 sq. m. m (the norm does not apply to family-type orphanages, families with many children, families with three or more children who are under guardianship and care);

• owned by a family member there are a vehicle manufactured less than 5 years ago (except moped and trailer);

• owned there is more than one vehicle manufactured less than 15 years ago (except moped and trailer);

• as part of the family there are adult unemployed, income recipients below the minimum wage, who do not pay social security (except for students and social pension recipients);

there is a debt for the payment of housing services more than three months and the total amount exceeds 40 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens;

• as part of the family is a non-payer of alimony (more than three months);

• a citizen did not return the excess transferred (paid) amount of housing subsidy for previous periods of its receipt;

• one of the registered family members during the year before applying for a subsidy made a purchase in the amount of more than UAH 50,000 (except payment for treatment); at the same time, in the subsidy should not be refused if another home was sold within six months before the purchase of a new home;

• a family member bought currency for the total amount of UAH 50,000 during the year before the application;

• someone from a family member there is a deposit of more than UAH 100,000;

• as part of the family is the owner of more than one residential premises (except housing in the temporarily occupied territories and on the contact line; one that belongs to the right of joint or partial ownership and is located in a rural area).

Subsidies may also be refused if:

there are errors in the statement or declaration. If there are inaccuracies in the provided documents, the Pension Fund of Ukraine must inform about it. 30 days are given to correct errors, after which the documents can be re-examined and the subsidy assigned;

submitted an incomplete package of documents. In this case, 30 days are also given to deliver the necessary documents.

We remind you that residents of households can receive a housing subsidy for several types of services.

Editor: Svyatoslav Vasylyk

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