September 23, 2024
Re-pollution is moving along the Seim River - Ministry of Environment thumbnail

Re-pollution is moving along the Seim River – Ministry of Environment

Re-pollution continues to move along the course of the Seim River, and the situation has stabilized on the Desna River. Source: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Verbatim: “Re-pollution continues to move along the riverbed.”, — write:

Seym river, illustrative photo from Wikipedia

Re-pollution continues to move along the course of the Seim River, and the situation has stabilized on the Desna River.

Source: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources

Literally: “Repeated pollution continues to move along the Seim River.


The improvement is recorded under item p. Chumakovo – the transparency of the water has increased, but the yellow-green tint remains, in some places – grayish.

In the points of Mutin et al. Ozarichy water is cloudy, the level of chemical oxygen consumption exceeds the norm by 4.3 times. There is no dissolved oxygen.

In the Baturyn point, there is a darkening of the water, a slight specific smell, and no fish plague is observed. Chemical oxygen consumption exceeds the norm by 1.1 times. The oxygen regime is normal. Exceeding the manganese content – up to 1.3 times. No excesses were recorded for ammonium nitrogen, total iron, nitrites, phosphates and chlorides.

Further downstream, the water quality indicators did not change during the day. The water is clear, there is practically no sediment at the bottom, there is no unpleasant smell, there is no fish plague.”

Details: The ministry reported that the situation is stabilizing on the Desna River.

“On the entire length in the Chernihiv region, the water has become lighter, in some places there is a dark-colored sediment on the bottom, an unpleasant smell and fish plague are not observed. Living aquatic bioresources are appearing in the river. The movement of pollution in the Kyiv region is not recorded,” the message says.


  • In mid-August 2024, information began to appear about the pollution of the Seim River, which flows in Sumy Oblast and Chernihiv Oblast from the Kursk Oblast of the Russian Federation. On August 27, the State Fisheries Agency accused the Russians of poisoning the water.
  • The KMDA reported on the creation of two scenarios regarding the potential pollution of the Dnipro. According to a pessimistic forecast, if poor-quality water from Desna reaches the capital, the city has provided reserves of purified water.
  • On September 11, Mindovkill was informed that polluted water from the Seim River could reach Kyiv Oblast on September 14-16. However, sewage treatment plants “have to cope” with pollution.
  • On September 15, the pollution reached Kyiv region, but the water quality at the Kyiv and Brovary water intakes was within normal limits.
  • On September 17, in Sumy Oblast, a repeated deterioration of water quality from the Seym River was recorded at the upper monitoring points in the area near the village of Mutyn.

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