September 23, 2024
Ukrenergo answered whether the week will start with blackouts thumbnail

Ukrenergo answered whether the week will start with blackouts

Tomorrow, September 23, measures to limit electricity supply in Ukraine are not predicted. Ukrenergo reported this, but asked consumers to be economical with electricity: there is no need to turn on several powerful devices at the same time in the evening hours. We will remind you that Ukraine will pass the winter in a normal mode of electricity supply, provided that there are no new heavy blows from the Russian Federation on energy. Such a forecast was given by the Minister of Energy Herman Galushchenko. And the former head of Ukrenergo”, — write on:

Tomorrow, September 23, measures to limit electricity supply in Ukraine are not predicted.

Ukrenergo reported this, but asked consumers to be economical with electricity: there is no need to turn on several powerful devices at the same time in the evening hours.

We will remind you that Ukraine will pass the winter in a normal mode of electricity supply, provided that there are no new heavy blows from the Russian Federation on energy. Such a forecast was given by the Minister of Energy Herman Galushchenko.

And the former head of Ukrenergo, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, in an interview with the European Parliament, stated that power outages are possible in the winter, even if all plans to restore generation facilities are implemented.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

!function(){var t=new Date;try{t=new Date(t.toLocaleString(“en-US”,{timeZone:”Europe/Kiev”}))}catch(e){}var r,n ,a=[t.getFullYear().toString(),(“0″+(t.getMonth()+1).toString()).substr(-2),(“0″+t.getDate().toString()).substr(-2)].join(“”),o=(n=(r=document.getElementsByClassName(“r24686″)).length)?r[n-1]:null,s=function(){var t,e,r=””,n=”abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz”,a=Math.floor(2*Math.random()+4);for(t=0;t

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