September 23, 2024
The Russians threw a new dose of poison into the Diet - the Ministry of Environment thumbnail

The Russians threw a new dose of poison into the Diet – the Ministry of Environment

A new spot of pollution is moving downstream along the Seim River. The Ministry of Environment reports this on Facebook. They indicated that after the first wave of Russian waste, which got from the Seimas to Desna, the situation has stabilized. In the entire length of the Chernihiv region, the water in the Desna has brightened, in some places there is dark sediment on the bottom, an unpleasant smell and no fish plague.”, — write on:

A new spot of pollution is moving downstream along the Seim River.

The Ministry of Environment reports this on Facebook.

They indicated that after the first wave of Russian waste, which got from the Seimas to Desna, the situation has stabilized. In the entire length of the Chernihiv region, the water in the Desna has brightened, in some places there is dark sediment on the bottom, an unpleasant smell and no fish plague. Living aquatic bioresources appear in the river.

The movement of pollution in the Kyiv region is not recorded.

As for the Seim River, repeated pollution is moving along it. The improvement is recorded under item p. Chumakovo – the transparency of the water has increased, but the yellow-green shade remains, in some places – grayish.

In the points of Mutin et al. Ozarichy water is cloudy, the level of chemical oxygen consumption exceeds the norm by 4.3 times. There is no dissolved oxygen.

In the Baturyn point, darkening of the water is observed, a slight specific smell is observed, fish plague is not observed. Chemical oxygen consumption exceeds the norm by 1.1 times. The oxygen regime is normal. Exceeding the manganese content – up to 1.3 times. No excesses were recorded for ammonium nitrogen, total iron, nitrites, phosphates and chlorides.

Further downstream, the water quality indicators did not change during the day. The water is clear, there is practically no sediment at the bottom, no unpleasant smell, and no fish plague is observed.

Earlier we wrote that Kyiv is monitoring the state of water in the rivers after the pollution caused by the Russians in the Seim River. The city conducts tests every day.

Damage to the environment in Chernihiv and Sumy regions due to pollution of the Seim and Desna rivers exceeds 405 million hryvnias.

We will also remind you that in the Russian city of Tyotkino, a local sugar factory dumped sewage into the Seim River, which caused water pollution with organic substances.

As of September 11, the pollution of the Desna River has advanced to the village of Ladynka in the Chernihiv region, and the worst water test results are recorded in Chernihiv.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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