September 22, 2024
The occupiers launched a propaganda program for Ukrainian children at the TOT of Luhansk Oblast thumbnail

The occupiers launched a propaganda program for Ukrainian children at the TOT of Luhansk Oblast

In the occupied Luhansk region, a new educational program “Luhansk character” is being implemented for propaganda among children. Similar events are held in the Kherson region, where lectures by Russian propagandists take place in schools. This was reported by the Center of National Resistance. In the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk Region, terrorists are implementing a new educational propaganda program called “Luhansk Character”. The program will work in several for now”, — write on:

In the occupied Luhansk region, a new educational program “Luhansk character” is being implemented for propaganda among children. Similar events are held in the Kherson region, where lectures by Russian propagandists take place in schools.

This was reported by the Center of National Resistance.

In the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk Region, terrorists are implementing a new educational propaganda program called “Luhansk Character”. For now, the program will work in several schools of Luhansk as a pilot project, but in the future it is planned to extend it to all educational institutions of the occupied region.

The Luhansk Gauleiter stated that the aim of the program is to teach children, from first-graders to graduates, to “work in a collective” and “work in a team”, using examples of Soviet figures such as Voroshilov, who participated in the implementation of Soviet terror in Donbas.

In addition, similar propaganda activities are also held in the occupied territories of the Kherson region. Lectures by Russian propagandists took place in local schools during the so-called “conversations about important things” – compulsory propaganda lessons held once a week.

As of September 19, 2024, 1,957 children are considered missing in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 575 children have died and another 1,609 have been injured.

Earlier we wrote that the occupation authorities continue to forcibly remove Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. This is done under the guise of “caring” for the sick and orphans.

We will also remind you that the Defense Council of the Kharkiv region is preparing to consider the expansion of the zone of forced evacuation of families with children from three communities of the Kupyan district.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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