September 21, 2024
The Ministry of Energy announced a competition for three independent members of the supervisory board of "Ukrenergo" thumbnail

The Ministry of Energy announced a competition for three independent members of the supervisory board of “Ukrenergo”

The Ministry of Energy announced a competitive selection of candidates for three positions of independent members of the supervisory board of “Ukrenergo””, — write:

photo: RBC-Ukraine

The Ministry of Energy announced a competitive selection of candidates for three positions of independent members of the supervisory board of “Ukrenergo”

This is stated in the statement of the Ministry of Energy.

As the terms of the current members expire in 2024-2025, the Ministry of Energy has announced a competition for three positions of independent board members, and will engage a professional consultant to assist in the selection process.

Simultaneously with the competitive selection of independent members, the Ministry of Energy will also determine and select candidates for state representatives in the supervisory board.

The selection of all members – 4 independent and 3 representatives of the state – is planned to be completed by December 9.

“The process of selecting members of the Supervisory Board must be carried out in full accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, the company’s charter and the guiding principles of OECD corporate governance.

The Supervisory Board will be formed transparently through a competitive selection procedure for independent members, in compliance with the principle of personal and functional diversity,” the ministry added.

The first task of the new council is a transparent competition for the position of chairman of the board of Ukrenergo.

We will remind:

Two independent members of “Ukrenergo” filed their resignations on Tuesday, September 3, publicly declaring the political pressure that led to the dismissal of the company’s head, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi. In their opinion, the corporate management of “Ukrenergo” has been called into question. Another vacancy for an independent member of the supervisory board was not filled even before that, despite the repeated appeals of the partners to the Ukrainian authorities.

In a statement to journalists in Kyiv on September 6, US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink said that Ukraine should fill the full composition of the supervisory NEC “Ukrenergo”, whose independent members resigned in protest against the politically motivated resignation of the company’s head, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi.

The ambassadors of the G7 states declared the importance of selecting “competent and professional independent experts” to the supervisory board of NEC “Ukrenergo” as soon as possible, because this is important for the energy security of Ukraine and the trust of international partners.

The IMF mission agreed on the allocation of a tranche of $1.1 billion to Ukraine. Among the further conditions are the fight against tax evasion, the restoration of the activity of the independent supervisory board “Ukrenergo” and the audit of NABU.

Read also: Volodymyr Kudrytskyi: The purpose of my dismissal is to transfer investments in the reconstruction of the energy industry under manual control

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