September 21, 2024
The first frosts were recorded in the Carpathians thumbnail

The first frosts were recorded in the Carpathians

The first frosts have already been recorded in the Bukovyna Carpathians, in particular in the village of Verkhniy Yalovets, which is located at an altitude of 980 meters above sea level. The temperature dropped to -5 degrees, and frost formed on the grass. The head of the Selyatyn community, Valery Polyanchuk, noted that such frosts at this time of year are not unusual for the mountainous area, referring to the memories of his grandfathers.”, — write on:

The first frosts have already been recorded in the Bukovyna Carpathians, in particular in the village of Verkhniy Yalovets, which is located at an altitude of 980 meters above sea level.

The temperature dropped to -5 degrees, and frost formed on the grass. The head of the Selyatyn community, Valery Polyanchuk, noted that such frosts at this time of year are not unusual for the mountainous area, referring to the memories of his grandfathers.

Earlier we wrote that on September 22, it will be warm in Ukraine, without precipitation. At night, the temperature will drop to a minimum of 2°. Little cloudiness. No precipitation.

We will also remind you that the meteorological summer is still going on in Ukraine, the warm and sunny weather will last until September 25.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

!function(){var t=new Date;try{t=new Date(t.toLocaleString(“en-US”,{timeZone:”Europe/Kiev”}))}catch(e){}var r,n ,a=[t.getFullYear().toString(),(“0″+(t.getMonth()+1).toString()).substr(-2),(“0″+t.getDate().toString()).substr(-2)].join(“”),o=(n=(r=document.getElementsByClassName(“r24686″)).length)?r[n-1]:null,s=function(){var t,e,r=””,n=”abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz”,a=Math.floor(2*Math.random()+4);for(t=0;t

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