September 21, 2024
The battle between the Ukrainian Paper Army and the Reporting Troops of Ukraine thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

The battle between the Ukrainian Paper Army and the Reporting Troops of Ukraine

“Ukrainian Pravda” publishes this column on the condition of anonymity so as not to harm the author. Maryan Melnyk is the pseudonym of a serviceman. “Thanks to me, the employees of the first main department of the KGB of the USSR could work in Great Britain, as they say, to their full height, because the counterintelligence employees of MI-6 were distracted by me to write worthless paper certificates and reports.”, — write:

“Ukrainian Pravda” publishes this column on the condition of anonymity so as not to harm the author. Maryan Melnyk is the pseudonym of a military serviceman.

“Thanks to me, the employees of the first main department of the KGB of the USSR could work in Great Britain, as they say, to their full height, because the counterintelligence employees of MI-6 were distracted by me to write worthless paper certificates and reports.

When my employees began to actively work, recruit agents, identify residents, I overwhelmed them with unnecessary paper routine, and their activity very quickly came to nothing. I am proud to have personally developed and implemented several new forms of reporting.” – Kim Philby.

As a double agent, Kim Philby had a unique position within MI-6 that allowed him to control and disinform British intelligence while helping the KGB to work more effectively in Britain.

What do you think has changed since August 8, when the Ministry of Defense presented the Army+ application for the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

A month has passed, but show me a military man who can boast that the report for vacation or for the issuance of a referral for treatment was processed in this application – I do not know such. Therefore, we can conclude that nothing has changed.

I think that the customer received money for the work done, because the idea in general is not bad and has a chance to exist. I personally downloaded the application on the very first day to see what was inside – and that’s where my curiosity ended, due to the understanding of the reality of those processes that take place on the “ground”, and not in high offices.

The creation of the application became the first stage of the struggle of the Ministry of Defense against the UPA – the score is not opened, 0-0, the struggle continues. But what is the score in the battle between the Armed Forces + Army + against the UPA? The counterattack is stifled, the overwhelming forces of the bureaucracy are winning.

Reports exist exclusively in paper form. It is good if it is created in one copy and accepted by the relevant department for processing. If the commander is accustomed to the requirements of “staff culture”, then the number of copies increases significantly, and here one helicopter is no longer enough…

Regarding the fight between the Ministry of Defense and the ZVU, none of the teams submitted applications for the fight, so far – only the meeting place has been agreed upon.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine or the Armed Forces of Ukraine – who is more powerful? Here you need to make some division. The ZVU is that part of the Armed Forces, which is mainly hierarchically above the brigade headquarters and which fights the aggressor mainly in reports, which can be counted by dozens.

Report for a week, for a month, for a quarter, for a year. Report on this, report on that, report on report, report on report of reports – for the next headquarters to send a summary report to the General Staff. Point. And if it became sad, then the “elder brother” will offer you to fill out a FORM (in essence, this is the same report, but under cover). Form 1.1, form 2.1, form 100500.

And there sits the person responsible for the report or form, and perhaps she has a knack for management, organizational or combat work, and she got to the headquarters as a specialist, as a professional. But, in fact, it became her duty to give nightmares to the point of a nervous breakdown of all those who are lower in the hierarchical system. For what? To get the report. Or data for a report.

And the finale – comes the order to abandon old reports to free up time. But old reports are old, and it is impossible to refuse new ones. The circle closed.

Anti-aircraft guns defeat common sense.

GS, bring the next archive, we have already blown up this archive (MO) with a helicopter.

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