September 21, 2024
Supports the integrity of Ukraine: the Polish minister has changed his mind about handing over Crimea to the UN thumbnail

Supports the integrity of Ukraine: the Polish minister has changed his mind about handing over Crimea to the UN

Sikorsky says that he simply discussed with experts hypothetical scenarios for the deoccupation of the peninsula.”, — write:

Sikorsky says that he simply discussed with experts hypothetical scenarios for the deoccupation of the peninsula.

Radoslav Sikorsky emphasizes that Poland is for the territorial integrity of Ukraine / screenshotRadoslav Sikorsky emphasizes that Poland is for the territorial integrity of Ukraine / screenshotPoland supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine and does not question the Ukrainian ownership of Crimea. According to Polska Agencja Prasowa, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radosław Sikorski, stated this at a briefing for the Polish media in Washington.

“Poland certainly supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine, there is no doubt about that, and I have repeatedly emphasized this,” he said.

Commenting on his scandalous words about the possibility of transferring Crimea under the mandate of the UN, he noted that this was said during the Kyiv forum “Yalta European Strategy” as part of an expert discussion on hypothetical ways of deoccupying the peninsula.

“At the conference, a hypothetical discussion took place among experts in the off-the-record mode (not on the record – UNIAN), where we wondered how to implement President Zelensky’s proposals regarding the return of Crimea,” said the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry.

The scandal surrounding Sikorsky’s wordsAs UNIAN wrote, at the “Crimean Forum” in Kyiv, the Polish minister proposed the idea of ​​transferring Crimea, temporarily occupied by the Russians, under the UN mandate in order to hold an “honest referendum” there. According to him, the Ukrainian peninsula is symbolically important for the ruler of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, as well as strategically important for Ukraine. Therefore, in his opinion, Kyiv and Moscow will not be able to agree on peace without the demilitarization of Crimea.

Ukraine reacted strongly negatively to these proposals. In particular, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine emphasized that the status of Crimea as a Ukrainian territory is not subject to discussion.

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